2b-usle Security Threat Groups - STG_s

Security Threat Groups - STG


"Security Threat Group" (STG) is a term used by several departments of corrections to classify the prison gangs. Just like street gangs, prison gangs also flourish on their fame to establish their authority and increase their reputation and power. STG is a term that is directly related to the institutional operations' security and is used to wipe out the fame sought by the gangs. 

Typically, a security threat group can be defined as:

According to different departments, an STG is a union, combination, association, formation or alliance of at least three inmates that share common names and those associates or members were involved in any two of the following activities that include soliciting, planning, financing, threatening, planning or undertaking any misconducts or other illegal activities that may pose a serious threat to the well being of the general public, any department, employees, other inmates, or visitors. 

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